Monday 11 December 2023

Interview with T. R. Napper - By David Kempf

T. R. Napper is a multi-award-winning science fiction author, including the prestigious Aurealis three times. David caught up with him for a chat.

You can also check out some of his books at

When did you first see the original Alien?

After I’d read the Aliens tie-in novel by Alan Dean Foster, and watched Aliens the film. Which is to say, I can’t precisely remember, as my most formative experience with the universe was the second film. I read the tie-in novel first, because I was too young to see Aliens, and my consolation prize was being allowed to read the novelisation.

So, it wouldn’t have been until the 90s that I watched Alien. My only regret is I never got to see it fresh, uncomprehending the horror of what was about to happen during the chestburster scene at the dinner table on the Nostromo.

Why do you think it was such a great twist that Bishop turns out to be the good guy in Aliens?

James Cameron sets it up well. Bishop (seemingly) has the same obsession over the xenomorph as Ash, and as such, anyone who has seen the first film will deduce that Bishop is going to go the same way. But having said that, I found the Bishop character had a gentle warmth, imbued by the performance of Lance Henrikson, whereas Ash always felt cold, calculated, distant.

Bishop’s arc within Aliens is significant, in some ways the most significant of the movie. He goes from being despised by Ripley and peripheral to the needs of the marines, to being trusted by her at the end, and absolutely central to the survivors making it out alive.

When did you first become interested in books?

Forever. As long as I have memory, books were part of my life.

When did you write your first story?

Not until my mid-thirties (not including the stories I was compelled to write in primary or high school). I never thought I could or would be a writer. My parents were working class, no-one in my family had been to uni, and art – be it music, books, paintings – was largely absent from our household. The expectation on me growing up was that I would do something practical, preferably something that would involve going to university (and thus change social classes), such as engineering.

So when I say I didn’t think about being a writer, I mean it quite literally. The thought did not cross my mind. It was never a secretly harboured ambition. Despite my love of books, I never conceived that I would be writing one.

I cannot remember the spark that made me write my first story (my first published short story came out in 2014). The urgent need was suddenly there, and I did it. That first story would have sucked, without doubt. But still, I never looked back, once the words started to flow.

When did you publish your first novel?

2022. My debut is titled 36 Streets. It’s a cyberpunk novel set in Vietnam in the year 2100. 36 Streets won both the major spec-fic awards here in Australia (the Aurealis Award and the Ditmar Award), and has done well abroad, as well (in fact my audience seems primarily to be in the UK and the US). All of which has been a massive fucking relief.

Why do you think horror books and movies remain so popular?

Look, I think there are an entirely different set of motivations depending on the reader or viewer. Some thrill at being scared, having the heart thump in the chest. Some have a fascination with the macabre. Some use horror as a means to explore trauma. It’s a genre that goes so far beyond the stereotype of gore and splatter: it can be contemporary, can easily speak to modern fears.

What are some of your favourite horror movies?

1) The Thing (1982)
2) Alien
3) Rosemary’s Baby
4) Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
5) The Exorcist
6) 28 Days Later
7) Dawn of the Dead (1978)
8) Evil Dead 2
9) Predator
10) The Babadook

What are your current projects?

Aliens: Bishop has just come out, of course. I have two original works coming out next year: Ghost of the Neon God, and The Escher Man. Both are set in the same world as 36 Streets. Ghost of the Neon God is a novella, I pitched it as Mad Max meets Johnny Mnemonic. It’s about a rogue AI, a couple of petty crooks, and a terrifying escape across the Australian outback.

The Escher Man is set five years after the events of 36 Streets, but nonetheless is a stand-alone novel. That one is set in Macau. I think I pitched that as Total Recall meets Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

If you like your fiction dark, hardboiled, existential, violent, and high-octane, then I’m probably your guy.

Who would win in a fight between Bishop and David?

Much like in the cricket, when England plays Australia, Bishop - like England - would be the moral victor. Which is to say, Bishop would get smashed.

Please in your own words write a paragraph about yourself & your work.

I am a multi-award-winning science fiction author, including the prestigious Aurealis three times. My short fiction has appeared in Asimov’s, F&SF, Interzone, and numerous others, and has been translated into Hebrew, German, French, and Vietnamese.

Before turning to writing, I was a humanitarian aid worker, having lived throughout Southeast Asia for over a decade. I was also a resident in the Old Quarter in Ha Noi for several years, the setting for my debut novel, 36 Streets.  

Currently I live in Australia working as a DM, running dungeons and dragons campaigns for young people with autism for a local charity.

My fiction is cyberpunk. Which is to say it’s punk: anti-corporate, anti-elite, counter-cultural, and firmly on the side of the marginalised. It’s cyber: ice-cool tech, weaponised by the power for social control. It’s true cyberpunk: the literature of defiance.

Twitter: @TheEscherMan
Instagram: trnapper
Facebook: trnapper

Wednesday 6 December 2023

Interview with Simon Rumley

Ahead of NYX UK’s season of Simon Rumley films in December, the award-winning director talks candidly about therapy in filmmaking, his past fear of contracting AIDS/HIV and being kicked of out BAFTA.

Q: Simon, how pleased are you that NYX UK, the country’s only free-to-air horror channel, are presenting a season of your films?
Very! I've spoken to a few festivals over the years to do a small retrospective of my films, but it's never panned out. So, it's great to see all the films curated and playing under one umbrella.

Q: A tricky question, but which is your personal favourite?
Ha. Indeed. Impossible to say, of course! I love them all (which I wouldn't say about every film I've made) and they all have different qualities and, actually, I'm proud of the fact that they're all so different from each other - visually, stylistically, narratively, aurally.

Q: Is it true that THE LIVING AND THE DEAD is partly influenced by events in your personal life?
Indeed, it was 'inspired' by watching my mother die of cancer which happened only a few months after my father died of a heart attack. I wrote it initially as a nightmare, a way of trying to communicate the emotions I went through during this time. But as a few investors read it, I made it more grounded in a reality before going to the nightmare/crazed extreme that it does go to. But yes, it was a kind of therapy for me and very cathartic.

Q: RED, WHITE and BLUE is a controversial film which you described as a horrific descent into revenge, terror and tragedy. What inspired you to make it?
Well, this was also personal in its own way and came from my fear of contracting AIDS through having one-night stands. Back then, 2009, when I wrote the script, AIDS/HIV wasn't quite the death sentence it was in previous years, but it was still close. I also loved the reaction to The Living And The Dead which we premiered in Rotterdam and then played at many non-horror festivals. The question I got from almost everyone was 'Is this a horror film?' I liked that duality of the film's existence and wanted to do something similar with RWB - a horror film which isn't obviously a horror film...

Q: One of the powerful themes of RED, WHITE AND BLUE is the relationship between sex and death – which you again take on with ‘Bitch’ in the horror anthology LITTLE DEATHS. What drew you to the story?
Well, as above, but with RWB, I wanted to get across that contradiction of doing something that is supposed to be very enjoyable (sex) being also something that could kill you. With Little Deaths, the story is more a perverse revenge story so less about the death aspect and more about how love goes bad.

Q: Your short film THE HANDY MAN, draws you into the world of serial killers. Was it this theme that attracted you to the project?
The theme and the well written script. I didn't write it, but it won a British Short Screenplay Competition as judged by Kenneth Branagh. It was a neat, twisted, twisty, self-contained script which was a perfect vehicle for two great actors. It also had that timeless American Gothic feel to it and reminded me of paintings by Grant Wood and Andrew Wyeth. It was very evocative, therefore, too, and I felt we could have a lot of fun with it.

Q: What was it like directing Greta Scacchi?
Fantastic, as you'd hope and expect. She was a great collaborator, asked good questions, brought her own identity and interpretation to the character. As with all world-class actors, every take was compelling, and the hardest thing was deciding which ones not to use rather than which one to use.

Q: You’ve been described by Screen International as one the great British cinematic outsiders. Does this chime with you?
Ha. Well, it's nice to be called 'great'. And I'm thinking that some of the other great British cinematic outsiders would include Ken Russel, Powell and Nic Roeg. They were all summarily ignored by the greater part of our industry and if I'm lumped in with them, then very happy. And, yes, given the amount of support I've received from the industry at large, it does chime with me, and I was even kicked out of Bafta because I was too busy writing/producing/directing RWB in Austin to pay my membership on time.

Q: You’ve just written your first novel, THE WOBBLE CLUB. Are you pleased with the reception?
Yes, very much so. It turns out it's a lot harder to get 'official' reviews for novels than it is for films but so far, the few I've got have been overwhelmingly positive which is gratifying. And I recently received the first reporting and have already sold half the first print run in about five weeks so much better than I was expecting!

Q: it deals with the very tricky subject of eating disorders. How challenging was it balancing sensitive issues with a darkly comic undertone.
Well, I was reading Martin Amis' The Information during some of the writing and that was quite informative in its own way. A lot of his humour comes from word play and there's a fair amount of that in my novel but it's also been fantastic to hear people tell me they've had laugh out loud moments with The Wobble Club. There's a laconicism to the humour, I think, and it's never directed at the characters; I wanted them to maintain their dignity throughout.

Q: What projects are you currently working on?
Well, I have a few films in development/at casting stage. A couple are horror, a couple revenge type thrillers, a crime noir. Come January, I'm hoping to return to novel-writing if none of the films happen and that's more obvious horror than The Wobble Club...

Fri 8 Dec @ 21:00 – RED, WHITE AND BLUE (2010) *Channel premiere

Fri 15 Dec @ 21:00 – THE LIVING AND THE DEAD *Channel premiere

Fri 22 Dec @ 21:00 – LITTLE DEATHS (2011) *Channel premiere

Following all three films is a special presentation of THE HANDY MAN.

Freeview 289, Channelbox App, Roku, DistroTV

Monday 4 December 2023

COMPETITION: Win Creepshow: Season 4 on Blu-ray

Tune in to Creepshow in all its gory glory as Season 4 gets its home entertainment bow this December – alongside a brand-new Season 1 – 4 Box set. Based on the seminal 1980s cult classic from horror dream team, maestro George A. Romero and virtuoso Stephen King, this critically acclaimed TV series is an essential purchase for those in need of some blood-soaked, playfully dark and irresistibly eerie seasonal viewing.

And to celebrate we have a great competition and 3 copies of Season 4 on Blu-ray to give away.

Following its huge success on Shudder, Creepshow Season 4 and Creepshow Season 1 – 4 Box set are set to arrive on Blu-ray, DVD and digital on 11 December 2023. The Box set comes packed with special features, including in A Creepshow Animated Special, which sees Kiefer Sutherland (Designated Survivor, 24) star in Survivor Type based on the short story by Stephen King and Joe King (The Kissing Booth, The Act) star in Twittering from the Circus of the Dead, based on the short story by Joe Hill (NOS4A2). It also comes with A Creepshow Holiday Special starring Anna Camp (Pitch Perfect) and Adam Pally (The Mindy Project). Please see the trailers below.
Produced by Greg Nicotero (The Walking Dead), the series features a slew of unique horror vignettes from some of the most lauded talent around, including Stephen King, as well as his son, writer Joe Hill (NOS4A2), Primetime Emmy® award-winning Rob Schrab (Rick and Morty, Monster House), Josh Malerman (Bird Box) and more.
Creepshow comic books come to life in this anthology series of terrifying tales hosted by the silent ghoul. There’s haunted dollhouses, werewolves, murderous goblins, villainous trick-or-treaters, the dead and medical marvels… just a few of the things to watch out for – you never know what shocks await you in the next chapter. Viewers will be immersed in a chilling world of suspense and gore over all four series.
Season 4 promises an exhilarating scare-fest like never before, as a fresh selection of spine-tingling stories are presented over six episodes. There are tales of stranger danger, immersive virtual worlds and everything from vampires and zombies to artistic sacrifices. It's an all-out rollercoaster of frights just waiting to be experienced.

This gorgeously gruesome series is the perfect homage to horrors of old. Good gory fun at its most entertaining, set the channel to Creepshow for a horror feast to sate your appetite for fear.

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1. Closing date 18-12-23
2. No alternative prize is available
3. When the competition ends as indicated on this page, any and all entries received after this point will not count and emails blacklisted due to not checking this page first.
4. Winners will be chosen randomly and will be informed via email.
5. Entries that come directly from other websites will not be accepted.

COMPETITION: Win The Exorcist Untold on DVD

On the 50th anniversary of one of the most legendary and influential horrors of all time, Robin Bextor (Oppenheimer: The Real Story) sheds fascinating new light in The Exorcist Untold. The documentary is set for its home entertainment bow this December, arriving on DVD and digital on 11 December 2023, courtesy of Reel 2 Reel Films.

And to celebrate we have a great competition and a copy on DVD to give away.

Uncover the bloody and beating heart of film history with The Exorcist Untold – an electrifying new documentary that delves into the legacy and influence of this groundbreaking, revolutionary and revered masterpiece. 

The Exorcist is a cultural phenomenon that changed the face of cinema, paving the way for numerous films that followed in its terrifying footsteps. It continues to haunt and captivate audiences and its legacy can still be seen across the cinematic sphere today, 50 years on.

By exploring the motivations of the creators, the genesis of this pivotal film and the historical and cultural contexts surrounding The Exorcist's enduring influence, Bextor’s film unveils the remarkable story behind its creation, the challenges faced during production and the profound impact it had when it hit theatres on Boxing Day, 1973.

Featuring fresh insights and commentaries from industry experts, historians, scholars and designers, including Dan Perri (Star Wars, Taxi Driver), Rich Cline, Dr. Sarah Crowther, Prof. Chris McGlothlin, Nat Segaloff and more, the film also presents rarely seen archive footage of William Peter Blatty, the Academy Award®-winning screenplay writer who penned the original book – which sold over 13 million copies – along with interviews with his wife, Julie Blatty. It also features seldom-seen footage of world-famous director William Friedkin (The French Connection, To Live and Die in LA) and is a must-watch for any horror fan.

Prepare to be possessed by The Exorcist Untold.

On DVD and UK digital 11 December 2023

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Who directs The Exorcist Untold?

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1. Closing date 18-12-23
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3. When the competition ends as indicated on this page, any and all entries received after this point will not count and emails blacklisted due to not checking this page first.
4. Winners will be chosen randomly and will be informed via email.
5. Entries that come directly from other websites will not be accepted.

COMPETITION: Win Werewolf Santa on DVD

Santa Claus is coming to town and he wants more than milk and cookies...

And to celebrate we have a great competition and 2 copies on DVD to give away.

Santa is out for flesh, blood and mayhem. Having received its World Premiere at FrightFest 2023, this bloody brilliant comedy horror from Airell Anthony Hayles (Punch, Midnight Peepshow) – and featuring a cameo from the venerable Joe Bob Briggs (Casino, Face/Off) – is out on DVD and digital now, courtesy of Miracle Media.

Angsty teenager Lucy (Katherine Rodden – The Outer Circle) hosts a failing YouTube show dedicated to finding evidence of natural monsters. But, as she travels home to spend Christmas in Hastings with her bickering, divorced parents Carol (Emily Booth – The Reverend) and Charlie (Mark Arnold – Blade Runner 2049), her luck is about to change...

On Christmas Eve she witnesses Santa being bitten by a werewolf before turning into a lycanthrope himself. As Werewolf Santa starts wreaking bloody havoc in Hastings, Lucy, her friend Dustin (Charlie Preston) and her family set off on a madcap adventure to save their town from the bloodthirsty beast.

Armed with a rusty ice skate, a camera and a vague understanding of how werewolves operate, can Lucy save her town from becoming season’s eatings?

Keep an eye out for Werewolf Santa this holiday season for a blood-soaked, playfully demented, joyously unique Christmas horror feast.

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Who directs Werewolf Santa?

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Quick Terms and conditions - For full T&C click here
1. Closing date 18-12-23
2. No alternative prize is available
3. When the competition ends as indicated on this page, any and all entries received after this point will not count and emails blacklisted due to not checking this page first.
4. Winners will be chosen randomly and will be informed via email.
5. Entries that come directly from other websites will not be accepted.

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Horror channel NYX UK reveals a Simon Rumley Season for December


Indie film enthusiasts and fans of acclaimed filmmaker Simon Rumley are in for a treat this December with NYX UK premiering three of Rumley’s exceptional works. Screen International hails Rumley as one of the great British cinematic outsiders. The lineup includes Rumley’s intense and disturbing feature debut, "THE LIVING AND THE DEAD," featuring Roger Lloyd-Pack, the brutal slack revenge thriller "RED, WHITE & BLUE," starring Amanda Fuller, Noah Taylor, and Marc Senter, and the shocking short film ‘Bitch,’ part of the acclaimed Brit-horror anthology "LITTLE DEATHS." The screening will be followed by a special presentation of one of Rumley's early short films, "THE HANDY MAN," starring Greta Scacchi.

These three films are set to screen on Friday nights at 9 pm throughout the month. In January, NYX UK will continue the Rumley celebration by showcasing "FASHIONISTA."

NYX UK's December premieres also include Axelle Carolyn’s haunting feature film debut, "SOULMATE," starring the riveting Anna Walton. There's also the WW2 vampire horror "RETURN OF THE VAMPIRE" with Bela Lugosi, Roger Corman’s B-movie sci-fi adventure "ATTACK OF THE CRAB MONSTER," and two superior Brit sci-fi fantasies: "THE HYBRID" and "THE CRAWLING EYE." Silent Sundays at 6 pm feature Paul Leni’s classic silent movie "THE MAN WHO LAUGHS" and the remarkable 1911 version of "DANTE’S INFERNO."

On Christmas Day, viewers can enjoy a classic seasonal genre film, BLACK CHRISTMAS, directed by Bob Clark in 1974.

To celebrate Barbara Steele’s birthday on December 29, NYX UK will be screening "BLACK SUNDAY" at 9 pm, followed by Cronenberg’s "SHIVERS" at 11 pm.

Giallo fans can indulge in Dario Argento’s "THE CAT O’ NINE TAILS," Umberto Lenzi’s "SEVEN BLOOD-STAINED ORCHIDS," and Chris Alexander’s neo-giallo slasher "GIRL WITH A STRAIGHT RAZOR."

Freeview 289 / Channelbox App / TCL TVs / Distro TV

Fri 1 Dec @ 21:00 – RETURN OF THE VAMPIRE (1943) *Channel premiere

Sat 2 Dec @ 21:00 – ATTACK OF THE CRAB MONSTRS (1957) *Channel premiere

Sun 3 Dec @ 18:00 – THE MAN WHO LAUGHS (1928) *Channel premiere

Fri 8 Dec @ 21:00 – RED, WHITE AND BLUE (2010) *Channel premiere

Sat 9 Dec @ 21:00 – THE HYBRID (2014) *Channel premiere

Fri 15 Dec @ 21:00 – THE LIVING AND THE DEAD *Channel premiere

Sat 16 Dec @ 21:00 – THE CRAWLING EYE (1958) *Channel premiere

Fri 22 Dec @ 21:00 – LITTLE DEATHS (2011) *Channel premiere

Sat 23 Dec @ 21:00 – SOULMATE (2013) *Channel premiere

Mon 25 Dec @ 21:00 – BLACK CHRISTMAS (1974)

Monday 20 November 2023

REVIEW: The Nun II (2023) - Starring Taissa Farmiga and Bonnie Aarons

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"The Nun II" proves itself as a worthy installment in The Conjuring Universe, offering a heightened dose of horror and suspense that surpasses its predecessor. Directed by Michael Chaves, the film effectively crafts an ominously chilling atmosphere, accentuated by its old-world European settings and gloomy cinematography.

A standout feature is the film's ability to induce genuine skin-crawling scares. Michael Chaves orchestrates terrifying chaos, especially with terrified young girls, maintaining an edge-of-the-seat experience. Taissa Farmiga's performance as Sister Irene Palmer and Katelyn Rose Downey's portrayal of Sophie are praiseworthy, culminating in a nail-biting and unforgettable finale. The suspense and jump scares are executed masterfully, consistently engaging and occasionally startling the audience.

However, "The Nun II" isn’t without its drawbacks. At times, the plot feels somewhat formulaic, following the standard trajectory of horror sequels. While scarier than its predecessor, it doesn't venture far into new storytelling territory. Additionally, some moments feel dragged out, affecting the overall pacing and the consistent tension.

The climax scene, despite a strong build-up, might feel rushed, potentially leaving room for a more satisfying resolution.

In terms of performances, Taissa Farmiga, Jonas Bloquet, and the haunting presence of Bonnie Aarons as the Demon Nun deliver effectively. Newcomers Storm Reid and Anna Popplewell seamlessly fit into the franchise.

The plot, though somewhat predictable, manages to offer a decent level of supernatural intrigue and horror elements. By expanding on Valak's mythology and delving into St. Lucy's legacy, the film weaves a compelling narrative that keeps the audience engaged.

Overall, "The Nun II" merits an 8 out of 10 for delivering a scarier and more engaging experience than its predecessor. While it doesn’t revolutionize the horror genre, it fulfills its promises, offering a chilling and suspenseful addition to The Conjuring Universe. Fans of the franchise and horror enthusiasts will find much to appreciate in this gothic supernatural horror film.

Watch on Amazon at

Thursday 16 November 2023

REVIEW: The Exorcist: Believer (2023) - Starring Leslie Odom Jr, Linda Blair and Ellen Burstyn


In cinemas now, and also available on digital at

And available to pre-order on home entertainment at

"The Exorcist: Believer" marks the return of the iconic horror franchise in its sixth installment, directed by David Gordon Green and co-written with Peter Sattler. The film succeeds in continuing the legacy of the original 1973 classic, offering a compelling and visually striking story that emphasizes faith and community.

The plot centers on Victor, a grieving father who, after his daughter Angela and her friend return from a mysterious three-day disappearance with no memory, begins experiencing alarming behavior. Victor’s only hope lies in seeking help from Chris MacNeil, whose past with her daughter Regan might hold the key to combating a malevolent force.

A prominent feature of the film is its stunning cinematography, each frame masterfully crafted to immerse the audience in the eerie and unsettling ambiance.

The thematic emphasis on faith and community as tools to combat oppression adds depth to the narrative, elevating the film beyond typical horror fare. Leslie Odom Jr.'s portrayal of Victor adds emotional weight to the story.

Nevertheless, "The Exorcist: Believer" struggles to introduce innovative ideas and scares, relying on familiar horror tropes, missing an opportunity to inject freshness into the franchise.

The limited screen time for Ellen Burstyn as Chris MacNeil remains a drawback, especially for fans anticipating more from her character.

Set in Haiti and Georgia, the plot unfolds a tale of supernatural horror surrounding photographer Victor Fielding's battle with faith after a tragic event in Haiti and his daughter Angela's possession, intertwined with her friend Katherine's plight. The narrative intricately weaves voodoo, possession, and a relentless quest for answers.

The ensemble cast, led by Leslie Odom Jr., Lidya Jewett, and Olivia O'Neill, delivers solid performances, with Linda Blair and Ellen Burstyn reprising their iconic roles, maintaining a connection to the original while allowing new characters to shine.

In summary, "The Exorcist: Believer" is a worthy addition to the franchise, capturing the essence of the original while exploring themes of faith and community. Despite some lapses in originality and screen time for pivotal characters, it manages to offer a satisfying horror experience for both devoted fans and new audiences.

Scoring a 7.5 out of 10, it stands as a meaningful installment in the Exorcist series.

In cinemas now, and also available on digital at

And available to pre-order on home entertainment at

Monday 13 November 2023

TRAILER & NEWS - Wickedly Evil (2023) - Starring Joseph McGucken, James Farrelly and Darryl Carter

Prepare yourself for a fiendishly delightful cinematic adventure with "Wickedly Evil," a horror-comedy caper set to send shivers down your spine and tickle your funny bone. Directed by the talented Garry Walsh in his directorial debut (known for "Older Than Ireland"), this film is all set to make its haunting digital debut in the UK this November, courtesy of 101 Films.

Set against the stunning backdrop of the Irish countryside, "Wickedly Evil" follows the escapades of a trio of bumbling gangsters - Frankie (Joseph McGucken of "The Doireann Project"), Dancer (James Farrelly), and Gaz (Darryl Carter) - whose lives take a gruesome turn after a successful heist on a notorious Irish crime family. Unfortunately for them, their celebratory run takes an ominous twist when they catch the attention of Clare (portrayed by Louise Bourke of "Who We Love"), the mob's youngest sister.

In an unfortunate turn of events, Clare becomes an involuntary hostage, one gang member goes missing, and another is left nursing a gunshot wound. The gang's only option is to retreat to a seemingly safe house in the remote Irish countryside, yet safety remains elusive as problems continue to pile up. Their boss, The Chief (Owen Roe of "Intermission"), seems more preoccupied with drugs and cash than the safety of his crew.

As tensions flare and paranoia tightens its grip, suspicions brew among the local police. Meanwhile, next-door neighbor Sadie (Cat L. Walsh) offers both leftover lasagne and eerie warnings about recent disappearances in the area, adding to the unsettling atmosphere. The situation quickly spirals out of control, revealing that evil lurks in the most unexpected corners.

Get ready for a cinematic cocktail of boisterous humor, blood-curdling monstrous mayhem, and a narrative that'll keep you guessing at every turn. "Wickedly Evil" promises an unforgettable blend of scares and laughs, making it a must-watch horror-comedy of 2023. Make sure you mark your calendars for its digital release on November 13, 2023, and be prepared to be thrilled and chilled in equal measure.

Sunday 12 November 2023

REVIEW: Five Nights at Freddy's (2023) - Starring Josh Hutcherson


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"Five Nights at Freddy's" marks the transition of the beloved video game series to the silver screen, promising an engaging experience for both devoted fans and newcomers. This supernatural horror film masterfully captures the essence of the games while offering its own distinct take on the narrative.

The story follows Mike (played by Josh Hutcherson), a troubled individual responsible for his younger sister Abby (portrayed by Piper Rubio). Haunted by the unresolved disappearance of his brother, Mike, in dire need of work to retain custody of Abby, takes a night security job at the eerie Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Yet, what appears as a mere employment soon leads him into encounters with the supernatural, alongside Vanessa, a local police officer, plunging him into a nightmarish unknown.

A standout aspect of "Five Nights at Freddy's" is its perfect fit for Halloween viewing—a remarkable creature feature. The ominous atmosphere of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria is intricately brought to life, almost becoming a character itself. The set design and animatronic characters pay homage to the source material, offering an authentic and nostalgic experience for the game's enthusiasts.

The casting, especially Josh Hutcherson's portrayal of the troubled security guard, shines. Supported by Elizabeth Lail, Piper Rubio, Mary Stuart Masterson, and Matthew Lillard, the ensemble adds depth and strength to the narrative.

The film excels in its fan service and references, enriching the experience for long-time enthusiasts. It's commendable how the movie is packed with nods to the game series, enhancing the thrill for fans.

However, the underutilization of the pivotal animatronic characters, central to the game's lore, and the lack of effective jump scares detract from the potential horror elements that could have intensified tension and fear.

The plot, a blend of horror, mystery, and family drama, intricately weaves together themes of loss, family, and the supernatural, offering a satisfying and engaging story.

In summary, "Five Nights at Freddy's" serves as a solid adaptation of the cherished video game series. While it faithfully captures the game's essence, delivers a compelling narrative, and showcases impressive production design, it falls short in certain areas. Despite underused animatronic characters and the absence of effective jump scares, its strengths overshadow its weaknesses. It's a must-watch for series devotees and an enjoyable horror movie for Halloween.

With a score of  8 out of 10, "Five Nights at Freddy's" stands as a significant addition to the horror genre.

Watch now at Apple TV at

Play the video game at

REVIEW: Slotherhouse (2023) - Starring Lisa Ambalavanar, Sydney Craven and Tiff Stevenson

Out Now on Amazon at

"Slotherhouse," a 2023 horror-comedy helmed by director Matthew Goodhue and penned by Bradley Fowler and Cady Lanigan, takes an outrageously absurd premise and runs with it. The film promises an uproarious experience, though not without moments that might leave audiences cringing.

The plot centers on Alpha, a deranged sloth from Panama, and Emily Young's ambition to lead Sigma Lambda Theta. What begins as an innocent pursuit takes a dark turn with a series of deaths that implicate Alpha, setting the stage for a peculiar horror-comedy ride.

One of the film's undeniable strengths lies in its embrace of the ludicrous and its commitment to an unparalleled brand of humor. For those eager to witness a sloth engaging in absurdly violent acts, from stabbing to electrocuting victims or even snapping selfies with them, "Slotherhouse" is the perfect match. It revels in its wild premise, delivering a gleefully cheesy horror-comedy vibe bound to entertain.

Nevertheless, the film takes the concept of absurdity to its extreme. A sloth operating a laptop and even driving a car might be a stretch for some viewers. While the over-the-top nature adds to the film's charm, it could deter those seeking a more grounded horror-comedy experience.

Additionally, some of the gore has been toned down, likely for a lower cinema rating. This move, while understandable, might make one question why the filmmakers didn't fully commit to their outlandish vision, potentially limiting the film's appeal.

Despite these nuances, "Slotherhouse" distinguishes itself in a crowded genre by embracing its outrageous premise. It's a uniquely funny horror-comedy that's unafraid to be different. With its blend of humor, horror, and sheer audacity, it's a cinematic experience that deserves recognition.

In my opinion, "Slotherhouse" merits a solid 8.5 out of 10. If you're up for an unforgettable, wildly bizarre horror-comedy, it's a must-watch. Just brace yourself for a level of absurdity that's not for the faint of heart.

Out Now on Amazon at

REVIEW: SAW X (2023) - Starring Tobin Bell and Shawnee Smith


Out Now in Cinemas and on Digital at

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Amazon -

And out soon on Blu-ray, pre-order now at

"Saw X" revitalizes the iconic Saw film series by offering a unique perspective on the Jigsaw legacy while maintaining its trademark gruesome essence. Directed by Kevin Greutert and penned by Peter Goldfinger and Josh Stolberg, the film boldly positions itself as a direct sequel to the original "Saw" (2004) and a prequel to "Saw II" (2005). With a $13 million budget, the creators aimed to both satisfy loyal fans and captivate newcomers.

Tobin Bell's portrayal of John Kramer/Jigsaw remains a standout in the series, with "Saw X" potentially showcasing his most compelling performance yet. His presence is pivotal to the franchise's success, evident in the films' popularity.

The film’s strength lies in its balanced storytelling approach. "Saw X" emphasizes character development and narrative, steering away from excessive torture, which enriches the plot and engages the audience further.

Shawnee Smith's return as Amanda Young adds depth to the storyline, offering a brief yet impactful performance that aligns with the series' continuity.

The movie pays homage to its origins, sprinkling numerous nods and references to the original film, delighting die-hard fans.

However, some fans might not resonate with the exploration of John Kramer's more human side due to his vulnerability caused by brain cancer. While attempting to evolve the character and narrative, this move might detract from his established enigmatic persona as a relentless killer.

The nearly 2-hour runtime might test the patience of horror enthusiasts seeking concise, adrenaline-pumping experiences.

In terms of production, "Saw X" showcases progress for the series. The trap designs are more intricate than ever, displaying a commitment to intensifying the horror. Practical effects dominate the gruesome scenes, contributing to the film's authenticity.

The plot combines suspense, unexpected twists, and brutality. John Kramer's quest takes surprising turns, introducing new characters and complex alliances that keep the audience on edge. The traps themselves are inventive and brutal, delivering the signature shock factor of the "Saw" series.

In summary, "Saw X" successfully rejuvenates the franchise while honoring its core elements. With stellar performances, intricate trap designs, and a complex plot, it merits an 8 out of 10. Despite risks that might not resonate with all fans, the film breathes new life into the series, solidifying its relevance in the horror genre. "Saw X" is a must-watch for long-term enthusiasts and those seeking an intense, gory thrill.

Out Now in Cinemas and on Digital at

Apple TV -

Amazon -

And out soon on Blu-ray, pre-order now at

Monday 30 October 2023

Heir Of The Witch: A Haunting Gothic Tale


Prepare to be enthralled by "Heir Of The Witch," a gothic supernatural horror film that promises to deliver spine-tingling chills and eerie thrills. This cinematic gem marks the impressive directorial debut of Victoria U Bell, who also wrote the script and stars in the lead role. Rooted in folklore, "Heir Of The Witch" is a chilling tale that is all set to make its digital debut in the UK on November 20th, 2023, courtesy of Miracle Media.

In "Heir Of The Witch," we are introduced to Anna, portrayed by Victoria U Bell. She is an underprivileged seamstress, toiling away in America, living with and caring for her bedridden aunt, Rosie (played by Vanessa Neff). However, there is more to Anna than initially meets the eye, and a dark secret haunts her as she yearns for love and acceptance in high society.

As Anna's life unfolds, she becomes haunted by a malevolent witch, a ghostly figure that seems to follow her every step. Her attempts to lead a seemingly ordinary life in society become increasingly challenging, and as she forms relationships with those around her, the situation takes a sinister turn for the worse.

The malevolent witch's influence over Anna intensifies, and as she begins to wreak bloody havoc in the community, Anna finds herself ensnared in a web of terror. The question remains, can Anna escape the clutches of this vengeful witch and regain control over her life?

"Heir Of The Witch" promises to deliver a spine-tingling and profoundly eerie cinematic experience that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats. This bewitching feature, rooted in folklore and woven with chilling elements, is set to take viewers on a journey into the dark depths of the supernatural. Get ready to be captivated by the haunting tale of Anna and her sinister connection to the witch as "Heir Of The Witch" unfolds on November 20, 2023. This is a cinematic experience not to be missed for those who crave a dose of gothic horror and supernatural intrigue.

Watch at (USA)
Also available in the UK on release date at

Werewolf Santa: A Blood-Soaked Christmas Horror Feast


The holiday season is about to get a sinister twist with the upcoming release of "Werewolf Santa" in the UK. 

This darkly comedic horror film, directed by Airell Anthony Hayles and featuring a cameo by Joe Bob Briggs, promises to be a bloody and brilliantly unique addition to the Christmas movie lineup. Having premiered at FrightFest 2023, this movie is set to make its digital debut on November 6, 2023, courtesy of Miracle Media.

In "Werewolf Santa," viewers are introduced to the angsty teenager Lucy, portrayed by Katherine Rodden. Lucy hosts a YouTube show dedicated to uncovering evidence of natural monsters. However, her luck takes an unexpected turn as she heads home to spend Christmas in Hastings with her bickering, divorced parents Carol (played by Emily Booth) and Charlie (portrayed by Mark Arnold).

On Christmas Eve, Lucy's mundane holiday plans take a macabre turn when she witnesses Santa Claus getting bitten by a werewolf, subsequently transforming into a lycanthrope himself. As Werewolf Santa embarks on a bloody rampage in Hastings, Lucy, alongside her friend Dustin (played by Charlie Preston) and her dysfunctional family, embarks on a madcap adventure to save their town from the bloodthirsty beast.

Armed with nothing more than a rusty ice skate, a camera, and a vague understanding of how werewolves operate, Lucy becomes the unlikely hero in this holiday horror tale. Her mission: to prevent her town from becoming the main course in Werewolf Santa's festive feast.

"Werewolf Santa" promises to be a refreshing and exhilarating departure from the typical saccharine-sweet Christmas films. This dark comedy horror film offers a blood-soaked, playfully demented, and joyously unique take on the holiday season, where Santa isn't just coming to town for milk and cookies; he's on the prowl for flesh, blood, and mayhem.

As the holiday season approaches, keep an eye out for "Werewolf Santa." This film, with its irreverent humor and gruesome thrills, is set to provide a memorable cinematic experience, showcasing a Christmas tale like no other. Prepare for a joyously twisted and darkly comedic holiday feast that will leave you questioning whether you'll ever look at Santa Claus the same way again. "Werewolf Santa" is not your typical Christmas movie, and that's precisely what makes it a must-watch for those seeking an alternative and entertaining holiday horror experience.

Available November 6th at

COMPETITION: Win Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire: Season 1 on Blu-ray

Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire Season One comes to Blu-ray and DVD on 6th November and each, courtesy of Acorn Media International.

And to celebrate we have a great competition and 3 copies on Blu-ray to give away.

SINK YOUR teeth into Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire for a blood-soaked saga of immortality, love and revenge starring Jacob Anderson (Game of Thrones), Eric Bogosian (Succession) and Sam Reid (The Newsreader). This contemporary adaptation breathes new life into Rice’s revolutionary gothic novel and marks the thrilling first instalment of AMC’s emerging Immortal Universe series based on her lauded The Vampire Chronicles.

The series showcases an ensemble of exceptional talent. Not only is it created by Boardwalk Empire’s Rolin Jones but is executively produced by a host of stars, including award-winning producer Mark Johnson (Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul), Christopher Rice, the late Anne Rice and award-winning director Alan Taylor (The Sopranos, Game of Thrones) – who also directs the first two episodes. With a second season on the horizon, now is the perfect time to delve in and witness their talent first-hand.

In modern-day Dubai, vampire Louis de Pointe du Lac (Jacob Anderson) sits down with renowned journalist Daniel Molloy (Eric Bogosian) to share the story of his life – or rather, his afterlife – which begins in the hustle and bustle of 20th-century New Orleans. There, challenged by the constraints as a queer Black man in 1900s America, Louis finds it impossible to ignore the irresistible allure of Lestat de Lioncourt’s (Sam Reid) offer of the ultimate escape: a chance to outmanoeuvre the confines of mortality and join him as his vampire companion.

But Louis’ new powers come at a precious price and the introduction of Lestat’s latest creation – the child vampire Claudia (Bailey Bass – Avatar: The Way Of Water) – propels them on a path of revenge and redemption spanning decades.

Filled with passion, blood, monsters and beauty and with its unique blend of racial dynamics, sexuality, horror and humour – Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire is truly to die for and will leave audiences thirsting for more.

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Thursday 26 October 2023

Fast TV channel NYX UK presents a vintage month of horror movies

In November, NYX UK, now available on Freeview channel 289, is set to bring you an array of thrilling premieres. Prepare to be captivated by a variety of sinister characters and suspenseful stories.

First on the list is the beloved sci-fi classic, "INVADERS FROM MARS," where menacing mind readers take center stage. Next up, brace yourself for the terrifying spectacle of "THE GIANT CLAW," featuring winged marauders that will send shivers down your spine. Larry Cohen's unforgettable cult horror gem, "IT'S ALIVE" from 1974, promises to haunt your dreams.

The channel also presents the chilling canine tale, "MAN'S BEST FRIEND," and Hammer's enigmatic "X THE UNKNOWN" to lead the popular 'Hammer Sundays' lineup at 9 pm.

Adding to the excitement, there's a channel premiere of the timeless gothic horror "MURDER IN THE RUE MORGUE" (1932), starring the legendary Bela Lugosi. And on November 23rd, in celebration of Boris Karloff's birthday, you can enjoy a double-feature of T. Hayes Hunter's enduring "THE GHOUL" (1933), featuring Ralph Richardson in his movie debut, and Roger Corman's infamous "THE TERROR" (1963), alongside a young Jack Nicholson.

The monthly highlights continue with Pete Walker's influential '70s British horror, "FRIGHTMARE," the heart-pounding werewolf thriller "THE BEAST MUST DIE," the feminist slasher film "THE SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE," Sergio Martino's masterful giallo "YOUR VICE IS A LOCKED ROOM AND ONLY I HAVE THE KEY," and the gripping horror-infused crime thriller "THE CIRCUS OF FEAR," starring Christopher Lee and Klaus Kinski.

Additionally, Friday late-night horror gets a visually enthralling Gallic twist with four classics from Jean Rollin: "THE NUDE VAMPIRE," "DEMONIACS," "LIVING DEAD GIRL," and "THE IRON ROSE." Prepare for a month filled with thrilling and chilling entertainment on NYX UK.

Primetime films in transmission order:

Fri 3 Nov @ 21:00 – INVADERS FROM MARS (1953) *Channel premiere

A young boy, David, witnesses a flying saucer bury itself in a sandpit behind his house. He starts noticing strange behaviour in the adults around him, beginning with his own parents, and realises that humans are being brainwashed by the Martian invaders. Who does David turn to for help? Directed by William Cameron Menzies, this is a quintessential 1950s science fiction film, capturing the era's Cold War paranoia and the fear of unknown threats.

Saturday 4 Nov @ 21:00 - THE GIANT CLAW (1957) *Channel premiere

When a strange flying object is spotted, it is believed to be a UFO. However, it turns out to be an extraterrestrial bird made of anti-matter which leaves a trail of death and destruction in its wake. "The Giant Claw" stands as a testament to the creature features of the 1950s, combining elements of science fiction with the ever-present fear of the unknown during the Cold War era. Directed by Fred F. Sears.

Sun 6 Nov @ 21:00 – X THE UNKNOWN (1956) *Channel Premiere

*Part of Hammer Sundays

Dr Adam Royston (Dean Jagger), stars as a nuclear scientist tasked with understanding and ultimately halting this radioactive menace. As the entity moves and consumes, it leaves a trail of death and devastation, melting anything, and anyone in its path. Emerging from the prolific era of 1950s British science fiction and horror, this Hammer production, directed by Leslie Norman, stands as a chilling foray into the realm of the mysterious and the unexplained.

Wed 8 Nov @ 21:00 – THE SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE (1982)

A high school senior, Trish, decides to throw a slumber party while her parents are away. However, unbeknownst to the partygoers, an escaped killer with a penchant for power drills, is on the loose. As the body count rises, the young women must band together to battle the relentless killer. Directed by Amy Holden Jones and penned by feminist author Rita Mae Brown, the movie is often recognised not just for its visceral thrills but also for its undercurrents of social commentary, particularly on gender roles and exploitation.

Thursday 9 Nov @ 21:00 – YOUR VICE IS A LOCKED ROOM AND ONLY I HAVE THE KEY (1972)

Set in a decaying mansion, Oliviero (Luigi Pistilli), a failed writer and alcoholic, subjects his wife, Irina (Anita Strindberg), to constant psychological torment and humiliation. Into this tumultuous setting arrives Floriana (Edwige Fenech), Oliviero's enticing niece. As tensions rise, a series of murders unfold, and the mansion's inhabitants find themselves trapped in a web of suspicion and deceit. Directed by the prolific Sergio Martino, the film is an intricate maze of deceit, depravity, and deadly intentions, all wrapped up in a compelling narrative inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Black Cat."

Sat 11 Nov @ 21:00 – MAN’S BEST FRIEND (1993) *Channel premiere

Ambitious TV journalist, Lori Tanner (Ally Sheedy), breaks into the research facility where Max, a genetically engineered Tibetan Mastiff is being held, to expose the unethical experiments being conducted there. She inadvertently releases Max but seeing him as just an innocent dog subjected to cruel experiments, she adopts him. However, she is unaware of his deadly genetic modifications and his need to hunt. Directed by John Lafia.

Fri 17 Nov @ 21:00 – FRIGHTMARE (1974)

.Dorothy and Edmund Yates (played by Sheila Keith and Rupert Davies respectively) are released from a mental institution after 18 years. They attempt to reintegrate into society and lead a quiet, secluded life in the English countryside, but unknown to those around them, the couple harbours a dark and gruesome secret. Directed by Pete Walker, who was known for his inclination towards suspense and thriller genres, the film is notable for its uncanny blend of domestic drama and gruesome horror.

Sat 18 Nov @ 23:00 – MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE (1932) *Channel premiere

Dr Mirakle (Bela Lugosi), a carnival sideshow entertainer, exhibits Erik the Ape as the missing link between man and ape. However, his interests are far more sinister than mere showmanship. Obsessed with proving his theory of evolution, Mirakle kidnaps women to forcibly mix their blood with that of Erik, hoping to find a compatible match. This atmospheric pre-Code horror film is directed by Robert Florey and inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's short story of the same name.

Thurs Nov 23 Oct @ 21:00 – THE TERROR (1963)

*To celebrate Boris Karloff’s birthday

Set in the 18th century, in a desolate, crumbling castle, a French soldier encounters a mysterious woman while searching for his regiment, entangling him in a web of supernatural occurrences and dark secrets. This Roger Corman-directed horror film, starring Boris Karloff and a young Jack Nicholson, has gained cult classic status.

Thurs Nov 23 Oct @ 23:00 – THE GHOUL (1933)

*To celebrate Boris Karloff’s birthday

Egyptologist and Professor Henry Morlant (Boris Karloff) thinks an ancient jewel will give him powers of rejuvenation if it is offered up to the god Anubis. But when Morlant dies, his assistant steals the jewel. While a gaggle of interlopers, including a fake vicar (Ralph Richardson), descend on the professor's manor to steal the jewel for themselves, Morlant returns from the dead to punish everyone who has betrayed him. Directed by Hayes Hunter, this marks Ralph Richardson’s feature film debut.

Fri 24 Nov @ 21:00 - THE BEAST MUST DIE (1974)

Wealthy big-game hunter Tom Newcliffe invites a group of people to his isolated mansion, suspecting that one of them is a werewolf. As the guests are picked off one by one, the survivors must confront their fears and uncover the true identity of the beast before it's too late. The film's innovative use of a "werewolf break," in which viewers are given a chance to guess the identity of the werewolf, adds an interactive element that sets it apart from other horror films of its time.

Sat 25 Nov @21:00 – IT’S ALIVE (1974) *Channel premiere

Expectant parents Frank and Lenore Davis are excited to welcome their second child. But their joy turns to sheer horror when their baby is born as a mutated creature, with an inexplicable and violent bloodlust. Larry Cohen, a filmmaker known for his knack of blending social commentary with genre cinema, delivers one of the 1970s' most memorable cult horror films. In a decade replete with films exploring societal anxieties, Cohen's tale of a monstrous newborn tapped into the deep-seated fears surrounding childbirth, pharmaceuticals, and genetic mutations.

Sun 26 Nov @ 21:00 – THE CIRCUS OF FEAR (1966)

Following a daring armoured car heist in London, the loot mysteriously finds its way into Barberini's Circus. At the circus, an enigmatic lion tamer named Gregor (Christopher Lee), always masked and shrouded in mystery, takes centre stage as the potential suspect. But when a series of gruesome murders start occurring, the suspects list grows. A British-German co=production directed by John Moxey.