Wednesday 9 March 2011

Nick Button

J: Welcome to the Masters of Horror UK website Nick. Can we start with how the idea for Dark Hoard came about? 

N: Hey Jon, thanks for the opportunity to talk about this thing that’s been my life for over two ears!

I’ve been interested in writing for a long time and have written short stories in the past, but just don’t have the time to write a book. I came up with the idea of writing a series of short stories and compiling them into an anthology, because that would give me the flexibility to write each story when I could... Whilst reading short stories online I came up with the much better idea of asking other people to write the stories, whilst I run the project.

J: I like it, get other people to do all the work right?

N: Hey, you’d be surprised just how much work is involved in recruiting authors, managing their expectations, helping with ideas, editing stories and promoting the project.

J: To be honest I wouldn't be that surprised, running Master Of Horror is a very similar concept afterall. But this isn’t just a bunch of great stories is it?

N: No, I wanted to make it much more. There’s design work, paintings and illustrations throughout the whole book. I’m not kidding when I say it’s unique.

J: So, why horror? If you’re picking the authors, you could pick any genre that takes your fancy right?

N: I’ve always been interested in horror. I’m a big fan of James Herbert – I think I’ve read everything he’s written in fact. Besides which, when you look through the web, there’s so much talent in this genre, and so many great sites that feature short stories in particular.

J: I can think of at least one right now, and anyone reading this will surely know I am reffering to Masters Of Horror! - So, let’s talk about publishing, you’re using self-publishing aren’t you? Is that a budgetary thing?

N: Too right! This is strictly a hobby thing for me, any money the book generates is going back into the project to fund further promotion and hosting costs for the site etc.

J: So we could see this thing on Amazon yet?

N: Oh man, that would be great – but it depends on what people think of the book... If they like it, buy it and tell their friends, who knows what will happen?

J: Nick, thanks for your time. I wish you the best of luck with the book and hope to see you again on Masters of Horror! 

N: Thanks a lot Jon. 

If you want to find out more about Dark Hoard, check out the website – it’s awesome!